Gary Gibson's third CD features his new band ("Yahboy!"), along with numerous other special guest musicians. This CD is reflective of his 2004 "Pan Pilgrimage" to Trinidad, but the compositions remain jazz-based and as harmonically intricate as his first two CDs ("My Two Cents" and "CounterMelodies").
Early reviews are quite positive:
"Bless Gary Gibson...for taking a spirited, colorful approach to the jazz genre in "Yahboy!" Having been to the Caribbean numerous times, I am familiar with the indigenous sounds that Gibson has absorbed. His utilization of steel pans gives him his own individual take on it. You can feel the enthusiasm blowing from the speakers..." -Elizabeth Jacobsen, entertainment.inuk.com
" In all of my years as a music critic, I don't think I ever heard a jazz album that I could actually dance to. This is a seriously melodic record... The songs on this album are so catchy..." - Kyrby Raine, ink19.com
"...a most welcome addition to the pan CD family. The CD is a blast! It knocks your sock