Thin Error EP (Explicit)
This project is the product of a good opportunity stemmed from the wrongful prosecution of an even better man. I struggled putting the pieces together. It didn't feel right, morally. I feared being viewed as an opportunist; or as a scumbag exploiting the hard work of others. I simply wanted to create music that someone might connect to. Hopefully some of you will find that connection. I shared these troubles with artists that I look up to and respect, all of whom assured me that contributing to a label in need of support was not a characteristic found in vultures. This eased my worries. I'd like to thank Fake Four Inc for sharing my Thin Error EP; Sixo for kicking a** on the production; Bleubird, Cas One, David Ramos and Onry Ozzborn for making me question every aspect of my rapping abilities; Nightwalker for cleaning everything up and adding the finishing touches; and I'd like to sincerely thank YOU for taking the time to lend an ear. Long live Fake Four.