Group Therapy

Group Therapy

“Determination and the will to move on.” Those words are what you would hear from the Army music artist, Soldier Hard, if you were to ask him what has gotten him where he is today. His new full-length and 12th CD/Album, titled the "Therapy Session”, is a prime example of that fierce determination and will. This CD project contains NEW military-based songs. The tracks were aimed at making a noticeable mark in the music industry by being The Voice for our troops, veterans, and military supporters.

A native Californian, Combat Veteran and the Creator of Redcon-1 Music Group, Soldier Hard’s music career began by performing in local bars and clubs in his hometown of Vallejo. Some might say that his career really began at the tender age of fourteen, which was when he became inspired to write songs. At nineteen he enlisted in the United States Army and quickly found himself writing songs detailing the life of an Armed Forces Military Service Member. Soldier Hard’s belief in explaining the “military life” led him to
