The FleshDevils story starts in 1997, when guitarist Jose Alves met Dino Archon in a Los Angeles bar. Both hailed from South Africa where they had already forged formidable reputations as musicians – Dino with the Assylum Kids and Jo with Syndicate, before emigrating to the US in the late eighties.
Ten years later, the fusion of African and American rock influences forged a powerful writing approach, based on relentlessly melodic guitar riffs, playing off the howling rage that is the Archon voice in full flight.
In a flurry of creative rage against the iniquitous growing prejudice against those dispossessed of conformity by those in its thraw the dynamically dysfunctional duo wrote fifteen songs in the space of a week. Songs of rage, of anger and love and including KISS THE FEAR - the song that was to become the bands anthem to inner belief.
Eventually these songs found their way to London Producer Andrew Brel who inveigled legendary drummer Charlie Morgan to change his name to Spider, turn his back on