good night

good night

Montana are a newly formed independent alt-rock group from the San Francisco bay area. The three piece is comprised of New Zealander Sam Sloane (vocals and guitar), Jeff Paul (drums) and Luke Andrews (Bass).

Sam was previously trapped in singer/songwriter purgatory in his native New Zealand before relocating to the bay area to form montana with Jeff and previous bassist Gary Hackett. Jeff, by way of East Coast band "the curtain society", is keeping busy in local bands Clevergirl and ambient slow-core group pfiffin. Recently Luke Andrews, previously with indie punks Broken October, joined montana on bass.

Montana formed with intention to write original music that was unashamedly melodic, honest and of an evocative and affecting quality. Since forming the bands songs and writing has evolved into an engaging dynamic of fragility, melancholy, ambiance and intensity. Live, the band is uninhibited in communicating their songs of love and loss and the fervor with which they play elevates the songs to evocative peaks.

Recently the band have finished their debut e.p "good night". A 5 song 35 minute record comprising of the band's live set. The record was engineered, produced, mixed and mastered by the band themselves and is currently for sale from their website and at their shows. A full length album of the band's new material can be expected later in the year. 2005 also sees the band taking their set north to Oregon and Washington while maintaining a consistent schedule of shows locally around the bay area.
