Nobody Gets Hurt

Nobody Gets Hurt

Square One creates a unique sound that attracts diverse audiences. With an urban influence and the sounds of rock music, Square One intends to expand their horizons through touring and radio. Performing is their passion.
Square One started in January 2002 when Jayson was asked by Jay to come down and jam with his friends Mike and Joe, out on Long Island. They wrote their first song, Brother Tom, in that initial session. The boys easily agreed to get into the studio to record a demo, and start performing.
Square One's live performances started off with a bang in their home town, packing bars and clubs. They began to expand towards Manhattan. The next step was to record an album. Self-produced and financed, "Nobody Gets Hurt" debuted in August of 2003.
After that, the band purchased a van and began to tour on their own. Like gypsies, they packed up and headed to the west coast, playing anywhere they could. Mostly in LA, Orange County, and San Diego.
Back in New York to record a second albu
