

This is a CD for anyone who has ever had questions about life, faith, love, and God. There is something for everyone here and a story behind every song. As with her first album "Perfect Love", there is meaning in the message delivered through the quintessential Shari Hall style developed through collaboration with long time friend and veteran Nashville musician and producer, Paul Gordon. In her Album Liner notes, Shari gives some insight into the background leading to her personal journey in FAITH.

"I have never been one for organized religion. Despite being raised Catholic, being baptized, having my First Communion, and attending a Catholic school for the first three years of my childhood education, I never saw the value in communicating with God in a crowded room full of strangers, weekly on a Sunday morning. Even so, I grew up for some part of my life with a man, my father, who was deeply spiritual and believed in the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the divine order of the Cosmic Universe.

I remember listening to him preach to me about things far beyond my level of comprehension; but whether I understood or not, his words were filled with an intense passion that was instantly captivating and clearly inspired. It mattered not if I was a Believer, for I could see that he was, and seeing his joy as he spoke made me happy. Although my father was not present in most of my life, I have kept and treasured every letter he ever wrote to me, and feel blessed that he is much of the music within me.

Strangely and with grateful revelation, one day I understood that the spirit was within me, and not outside of me. I had always known that a Higher Power, greater than myself, lived within me and all around me, always, not just on Sunday mornings within the four walls of an unnatural structure, and not from someone else's mouth or pulpit, but from my own - my own voice. We all have that voice within us, but sometimes we just need to 'take time to breathe, accept how (we) feel, and know that that feeling comes from (God)'. (Lyrics from Thankful, track 10).

FAITH is my voice...the voice from within, the voice given the words and music as a gift. It is a musical journey that asks universal questions, and reveals, for me, some comforting answers. Most of the songs came to me completely written, in the middle of the night, as a downloaded inspiration. It highlights the many musical influences in my life, from the early days of my father playing his jazz guitar, my rock high school band era, to the musical theatre stage of my young adult years, to the dance and lounge/chill style of my debut album Perfect Love. For some listeners, there might be doubt that I have found my 'voice' at all. But musical expression comes in all genres and styles, and life is filled with complex and various emotions; the songs are a reflection of that complexity of human spirit, the spirit that comes from within...and in the end, reassures me, and hopefully you, that we are not alone on the journey!" Shari


EXECUTIVE PRODUCER - SCeNic Enterprises LLC, Chevy Chase, MD
PRODUCER - Paul Gordon, Stayawake Music, Nashville, TN
MIXED by: Paul Gordon, Stayawake Music, Nashville, TN; Dexter Green, Sealab Sound, Nashville, TN
MASTERED by: John Painter, Nashville, TN
RECORDED at: Stayawake Music Studio, East Nashville, TN

ALL SONGS WRITTEN BY: Shari Hall, except
"In The Moment" by Shari Hall and Paul Gordon
"Because of You" by Shari Hall, Paul Gordon, and Vita Dennis

VOCALS: Shari Hall
BACKGROUND VOCALS: Shari Hall, Paul Gordon
DRUMS: Sterling Campbell ("Gift" and "Thankful")

GRAPHIC ART DESIGN: Jorgie Jenkins (

