Loverboy (Explicit)

Loverboy (Explicit)

The stories told on loverboy are based on true events. Some of these events were experienced first-hand. Some were heard from around the way. Details from these stories may sound crazy and messed up, but thats life, life as seen from the eyes of a loverboy.

Special thanks to:
mom and pops for *insert 1 billion things here*.
kyler for being a creative spark
vell for his nasty verse
doughski for helping push me
God for creating a loverboy

Side notes:
personal fave is a tie between shoulder, teachmehowtopray, and jacob'swicked
i painted the cover art
i wrote the a cappella part of goingthruthemotions because of the Lyrical Expression Poetry Club at UTA
the emotions this project evokes from me made it terribly hard to listen to at times
