Christian Kids Rock
Dave & Tawnda created their company "KoolSongs" in 1999 and have sold over 150,000 copies of their albums worldwide.
Dave & Tawnda have been writing and performing music for most of their lives. They have produced 5 albums, EXPRESS TO SONG CITY, PERSONALIZED FOR PRESCHOOLERS, KOOLSONGS, CHRISTIAN KIDS ROCK, And HEART OF A CHAMPION.
They have also created personalized versions of these albums, where the child's name becomes part of the lyrics. They have an impressive 3000 names list for many of the albums.
They have also coproduced a personalized album with Barney the Purple dinosaur called Barney- Music For Me!
Not only have they written and recorded more than 75 children's songs, but they also have written over 700 songs that have been used in commercials, infomercials and corporate videos.
In addition to the personalized music, Dave and Tawnda have written seven kid's stories to date: including "My Pet Dinosaur"," My Lucky Leprechaun", "My Neptune Voyage", "My Day at Peek-A-Zoo" and "My Adventure with t