

Like so many other groups, I, The Rub started out of the ashes of another band. John and Steve kept playing together as a duo and focused on unique approaches to cover songs as well as their own originals. Recognizing that their tunes tended towards both the melancholy and humorous, they donned the name I, The Rub as a mash-up of Hamlet meets Pogo, representing the self inflicted irony of life.
After years of writing and playing, they began work on their first EP, Canyon. Both a labor of love and education, the album evolved over the next few years and was finally completed in late 2012, though originally only privately released.
After the success of their second EP, The Cloud Catharsis in 2013, Canyon was re-released publically in 2014. Meant as a companion set, where The Cloud Catharsis offered a sense of resolution, Canyon opens more questions. Even so, the album delivers a set of enjoyable and memorable songs, with the opening track, Sunny Don't Come, particularly receiving great reviews.
