Singer-Songwriter Linda Chorney is a big star in a small galaxy. Her talent has taken her around the world, accumulating fans that span the globe. Those who know her work are addicted. Once you stick any of her CD\'s in your player, it generally never comes out. Her lyrics are honest, vulnerable, humorous, brave, and above all, genuine. She delivers her melodic stories with a soothing, strong voice that is earthy and non-calculating. It is a voice one cannot grow tired of listening. And actually listening will take you on an autobiographical journey of Linda\'s relationships and experiences that many relate to. She sings things most people think, but don\'t have the balls to admit.

Linda taught herself how to play guitar at age ten. She handles her instrument with conviction, and confidently attacks rhythm as well as dynamically bringing it down to the appropriate feel. Her playing was recognized by \"Millennia Guitars\". As a result, the company sponsored her and even designed a line of guitars
