Taoist Winds

Taoist Winds

At Juan Carlos Productions, we believe in our artists, first and foremost. We want to foster mentoring and facilitate a platform for exceptional artists to be seen and heard ~ and to be appreciated for their artistic contributions. Juan Carlos Productions sincerely wishes to discover “the essence” of the art within every piece of work. Paul Jensen's "Taoist Winds" embodies this vision. The eighteen songs span the spectrum of human emotion, from the first fringes of a new love to deep and abiding heartache, these songs bring Paul's talent and journey to the listener with unmistakable honesty and integrity. Many of the songs were produced by Will Ackerman, Grammy award winner and founder of Windham Hill. Others were recorded in a little trailer house somewhere out West, and produced by quiet, funny, and oh-so-talented John Malvey --yet, each song brings its own quality and the essence of Paul's music comes through clearly and potently. Paul Jensen fans will love this collection, and new listeners will undoubtedly enjoy being introduced to this singer-songwriter.
