The Last Song

The Last Song

The music on this album spans many years of coming and going, abuse and recovery, and laughing and crying. The lyrics are heart felt and were gut wrenching to write. A lot of people were hurt in the making of this album. Mostly me.

This project reconciles my past with my future and puts me smack dab in the middle of my life with a greater understanding of how to keep myself and hopefully the people around me happy and loving every moment, even the difficult ones.

Each song is a place and a feeling and a transition. An unbridled joy or a trepidation depending on the circumstances around those places in my life when I was drawn to pen and paper as much as guitar. Sometimes the pain caused the music and sometimes the music caused the pain.

But this is not an album about pain. It's an album about balance between that pain and the joys of overcoming it or dodging it altogether. More than that, it's an album about what it took to make an album, to feel the need to make an album and take the necessary steps to


