If You Let Me Care For You

If You Let Me Care For You

I'm a singer and musician in New York. I have survived jingle sessions, childrens' records, Dixieland bands, society orchestras, banjo parlors, church choral singing, klezmer gigs and just about every way a singer can ply his craft. Over time I've developed some pretty definite ideas about what a good song is and what good singing is. 'If You Let Me Care For You' is a collection of some of my favorite love songs done the way I think they should be done. For me, a good song can be an exquisite distillation of human feeling. I hope I've hit the mark here and there.

Here are some further thoughts taken from the liner notes:

"... I had to decide what to do. Howie Leshaw [a good friend and fellow musician] insisted that I do love songs. I happily agreed and picked out 19 songs that seemed to speak to me. The selection was instinctive. It consisted mostly of standards that I felt hadn't been overdone, plus three of my own tunes. When I first looked at the list, I wondered what they had in common. In
