Earth...Creatures eat sleep and mate
The rest is extra ask the man at the gate
Tangents of desire, gotta haves indeed
Luxurious treasures we have percieved as need
Disposable culture, it's ugly face
Trails and tribulations of endless waste
Getting too close, you just might catch it
Pick up your trash who else'll get it
Disappearing water fuels Solitice space
dominate destroying Mother Nature's Place
{All the clutters arround
A Clear path can't be found
Get your get up and go, Catch the OVERFLOW}
Who really knows the webs real address
A vast concept is anybodies guess
World's history archieved so real
Dreams of aspiration we can never feel
Technology loaded Wilkipedia
Logs of blogs, trivial multimedia
Simulated sims avatar names
Revel in success fantasy games
Remakes of redone remixes lost is creation
Auto delete communication
Phones and camera makes my computer crash
You can't empty all the internet trash
{}(solo-guitar blast)
Hoarding sacred piles of personal treasures
Trinket keepsakes memorable pleasures
Pick a pair from the rows of shoes
Accessories boxes of jewels
Which outfit fits where do we begin
Worn it once but never again ***RETREADS***
Books magazines Used cars and decks
Wheres my tools gotta quickfix
Excess doesn't ever define success
Survivors must straighten out this mess
Paperwork reciepts all accross the board
Political religion societies power hoard
XXX Can you come out and PLAY? {{Game on Winning, Do you wanna play, Game On Winning...Let's Go!}}
Red light- green light, Mother may I set the tone
Hop scotch, tag, and jacks, my how we've grown Cowboys and Indians, play doctor bone by bone
Release the ARMY beast into the battle zone {Game on winning}
Choose a sporting game, Mindset balance amends
Get in shape, dose the right vitamins
The best offense , a need to defend
A trophy awaits, who'll capture the win {}
Learn your lines, the scenery in place
Play life's role, the story on pace
EMOTION scene one-take two, burlesque with grace and lace
Standing ovation, Roses for a smiling face {}[bass solo]{{}}
Do you feel the beat, bass so raw
Synth sets the mode, guitar riffs the wah Put on the best show, they ever saw
Vocals explode, that fat lady is singing...La La la
(The best two days of your life... the day you were born
the day you know WHY)
The rich and famous, pretend to be so clever
Take glimmering chances, to give ye 'ol best try
Dream as if, you'll live forever
Then party hearty, as if surely you will die
{Dreams will open the minds windows, lost passions not yet materialized
Real EYES, Realize, Real LIES... Scream For Your Dreams}
Wishing well was empty, with aspirations few
Living daily routines, we wonder what's really real
Believe in your dreams, and maybe they'll come true
(But) believe in yourself and of course they will
{}[guitar solo]-No music, No life...KNOW music, KNOW life
Feeling aggressive, a rebel without a cause
Grasp'N for tangents, to escape nightmares
Blood stained teeth, locked between the jaws
Paranoid difference, liv'N scared or being aware
Once I was asked, what it was, that I wanted to be
I responded, Happy, with the chance to survive <
You misunderstood the question <
<> you misunderstand the true meaning of life
No Where~Now Here ...Words of Wisdom Apollo's melodic songs, words of wisdom WOW!
Angry Mars floods Neptune's kingdom
Venus love stirs Mercury's kindness
Jupiter envies Juno's tenderness
Exposed blood sword the Red horseman
First of four, wraith of human sin
{Livin in the clouds with you, 7th Heaven
Above the world of deadly sins, Love In 7th Heaven}
U4EA-Zeus god of greed selfish gluttony
Nourishes Heras generosity
Poseidon's sloth, Aries fiery appeal
Fights for Aphrodite's zeal
Scales of balance reveal the dark horse
Hunger famine run deaths coarse
{} Words of Wisdom [guitar solo]
U4EA-The white horsemen bow strung for conquest
Odin's victory lust, meaningless
Frigg's ambience Thor God of thunder
His powerful pride hammer Mjolnir
Hidden dark shadows evil Loki
Pale riders scythe shades of Hades
Life's such a gamble, full of desire lust and sin
The choice is ours, what waits at the end
What's my line play, everybody dies
Truth or Consequences, not everyone wins {{}}
Do-Re-Me,Me,Me,Me... Captured the smile hiding on the mirror in the bathroom
A flashy selfie posted for my profiles doom
Like, friend, follow, search thru true love's chatroom
{Oh Lord, what have I done}
I wished to woe the most popular girl
A lady friend helped me catch my desired ones lure
Then, she herself became true love's mur
{{Oh Lord what have I done, with my Emotion
I'll pass it on, what I have done with my Emotion}} Bridge:
Climbed up, down the corperate ladders
Lesson I learned, might have mattered
Just sheep from the heap, following the herd
Life's a mission no intermission, by any means
Strive to achieve your goals, live for your dreams
Or you will work for those who do it seems
Too bad for heaven, too pure for hell
Old enough to know better, but too young to care
Lots of salt and pepper hidden behind the ears
Seasoned lessons learned throughout the years
Precious memories to always hold
Your meaningful life, such an escaping target
Narrow the sights, get the timing right
Calming nerves, then just go for it
{No Rhyme or Reason, Can't take no more
Time, Pounding, Knocking at the Door} They Say
Precious momments come at a price
Some of us learn, others (just) concerned
Whose paying the bills, paradeing the sacifice
Won't waste **time**, on haters hating me
Paths were crossed, and respect (was) lost
Still at home busy, holding love's waiting key
{}[orchestra break]
Reconciling, as twilight nears
Time way too short, to dwell on the hurt
Not your years of life, but the life you've put in those years
Got it figured, Life's Philosophy
Dealing with principles, the matter of physics
Get raw materials, survival the key
True feelings in check, find answers that we all seek_
Find an inner balance, with spirits contained
Reality is dealt, passionate desires
Lust drives us crazy, so totally insane
Squelching fury, calm the furious fire_
{Equator Spin'N arround, 12 hours sunlight
Even score is found, a half a days night
Axis gravity bound, made of magentic rocks
Straight up and down, Spinning out of the box
{Equinox, Equinox}
Function at low ebb, level the playing field
Drown all sickness, swallowing sorrow
Avoiding mud puddles, high ground is your shield
Future hiding gloom, absorbing tomorrow_
Find a even Keel, a new fair shake
Dealing with devils, while saving angels
Take what Cha need, leave rest in the quake
Dust to dust, dirt, defined good, evil_
< > {}
Sometimes I think, I've seen it all
Now I'm grasping, was getting old
Not the flu, must have a cold
_Dig that hole before I take my fall
_My diagnosis, has been put on hold
{Check my heart, does it have a beat
how's my oxygen, now I'll take a seat
Can you hear my lungs, where's the test results
Stick out my tongue, Please Take my PULSE}
Xray scans, how I hate to wait
Charts flashing out mega red alerts
Joints all smoked up, they're as old as dirt
_Worry'N 'bout things, ultimateums fate
_Head to tails, cure the hurt
{}[guitar blast]
From the moment, our birth arrives
Everything just wants, to slow us down
Drive us crazy, such busy bee
Psycho-analyzed frown, whose wear'N the crown
_Tools for fools, computer survives
_Power's mercy, smiling clowns
But Girl your suitcase, is very scary
Mixed secrets amongst your dirty laundry
Hidden between layers nobody's suppost to see
I wonder why it's you, they all still wanna be
{Blondes drive me nuts truely a nusiance
Trama performances advertizing wants
Finish the sentence High Maintenance, sending out an S~O~S}
Wake up lotte, a triple shot coffee
Wipe away the sleep, smok'll start the party
Production breakfeast stir the chewy murk
What's clean in the closet, gotta dress for work
Yer outta gas, please fill it all up jerk
{}[synth solo] Be Sexy...Don't screw up, Go Down
The world sure comes and goes, at your beck and call
Attention demanding dancing Barbie doll
New interpretations to the level of clever
People places things, manipulative
Roommates bad diary of extreme misadventures
Life's emotional stories etched upon the walls of caves
Logs of historical blogs captured on the webs Cyber waves
Like or Hate, are we perfectly bad
Rich or Poor, There's money to be had
Art Science, Which is irreverent
Spirit Technology, I believe the message has been sent
{Destiny grows from the choices we make
Our future unfolds from the paths we take
Reputations, chemistry, develops the way
we live our life's waves}
Magical music embraces life with loves expressive breath
The soul not listening to a song dances to the melody of death
Here or There, perspective scenery
Past~Present, today is tomorrows history
Do~Don't, the futures not materialized
Yin~Yang, the slant is citied
ROCK'N CHAIR-{fugue}
Terrible twos, the first days I can remember
On east coast beaches poking RED lobsters
Loving life's music playing it over again
Picked up & strung, that struggling violin_
Mrs. Hope's forth grade cried on the day that John died
But I absolutely think, that everybody lied
The Beatles arrived, put the doors in my hand
Child of the 60's, class of 70's, Time to start my own band
{I'm just sitting there, pondering all the worldly cares,
I wonder who might really dare, wander into my lonesome lair,
I'm Just spending my time, reflecting, in my Rock'N Chair}
Those long, cold winter school bus trips
With dreamy Denise's looks, her steamy lips
At the after school dance, play'N spin the bottle
Sure didn't taste like I thought she outta_
First kiss, failed loves, then whatever dates
Search and rescue gotta find my true soulmate
Ladies say, I'm such a gentleman out about on the streets
But there's a freaky freak, lying deep, between those sheets < Oh whatta treat>
Life's Approach matches the cut of my hair
Business up front, party out back, how's the air
Blood doesn't make you family, as some believe
Sharing time that's what's really relative_
Man who works his hands, on the laborers list
His Head a craftsman, heart makes the artist
Life so easily understood when looking backwards
But so hard to perceive stumbling, falling, leaping forward
Karma has no menu...Exist as FLUX
Big sky so bright and blue, behold our yellow sun
Blend a meld of Green, creating life done
Cool air energy, fire atomic hydrogen
Opposites attract, waters evolution has begun
{Xist, FLUX, connect biologically, to earth chemically Xist, FLUX, to the cosmos atomically, space and time theoretically} Nature's life spark, mass times light speed squared
Hearts all beat for free, stimulation reaction beware
Melody often noted, universal song begun
Creativity has sung, intelligence having fun
{} {{be the story from the laboratory... radiate, vibrate- analog, solid state...}} [solo bridge]
Past today's made history, future a mystery not yet arrived
This moment time's gift, experience love, alive
Profit from propriety, entanglements amount
Live learn love and laugh, it all seems to count
{ }
Schooled by computers seed, book learning was lost
As doers not keepers , trash cast the cost
Earth, wood, water, metal, and fire, real I do believe
Big picture interpreted, a matter of perspective
{} {{}}
Dawn has broke, awakening the day
Morning sings, trees rustle (of) what may
Feeling warmth, a new days fresh start
Natures woven interactive art
Strive for loves lost inner peace
Solve life's puzzle, become the missing piece
{A New AWAKENING, Makes my heart sing
My life's spent loving you, I know what I have to do,
Big fishes, still lurk in the bay
Simplify back to basics, chaos whittled away
Tabla Rosa seize this moment's age
Fate only unveiled, on the very last page
World so alive, (do we) dare to be real
Emphasize what it is, that you really feel
Appearances aren't what they may
It always just seems to look that way
As many living souls continue the worldly consensus
Food chains exist, reincarnating the buzz
Carpe Diem embrace opportunity
Future still awaits, with secrets of eternity