Better Dead Than Mellow
This is the second and most obscure of all the recordings by Darryl Rhoades. Produced with Brendan O'Brien (Springsteen, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Piots etc.) this CD features incredible musicianship from players in bands such as The Ga. Satellites, The Dixie Dregs, Glenn Phillips Band, Swimming Pool Q's and more. Eleven great songs, one of which was covered by The Outlaws (The Lights Are On But Nobody's Home). Covering different styles of music from rockabilly, pop and jazz influence, this CD is a must for collectors of music by Darryl Rhoades.
While the music is great, there is also a lot of room for humor and the writing can be compared to anything from Zappa to the best pop bands of the last 30 yrs.
Several of the songs are from the catalog of music produced in the years of "THE HAHAVISHNU ORCHESTRA".
Read about it on the website: www.music-comedy.com