From Here To There
“From Here To There”, the 3rd blues instrumental CD from artist Fred Gross, incorporates the ever present blues oriented style with a touch of jazz, and an added pinch of soothing rhythms and effects. The electric and acoustic guitars marinated with sensual percussion, keyboards and saxophone, produce a unique blend of artistry. Tracks on this CD, like the previous instrumental albums, have been heard on “The Weather Channel”.
Three tracks received airplay on The Weather Channel and all 10 songs charted on BROADJAM'S TOP-200 CHARTS!!!
Fred has always had the music in his blood, literally !! A descendent of the 19th century composer, Franz Schubert (The Bee), his musical roots run much deeper than the average musician. Born in New Jersey, not far from Philadelphia, and traveling from one end of the country to the other for most of his adolescence, probably contributed as well, to Fred’s musical aspirations. He started playing drums and guitar at 16 years of age, and knew immediately it would be a