Please Don't Kill Me Again

Please Don't Kill Me Again

My name is Darrell Hansen. I was born in Ashtabula ,Ohio. I lived in Dorset ,Ohio until 1970 when my family moved to Astoria Oregon for about a year and a half. We were forced to move back to Ohio when my dad's father(Grandpa) died and my dad's mother (Grandma) had a stroke. She was bed ridden and we had to care for her.
Back in Ohio things were a lot more accelerated in the culture shift that was taking place in our nation. The Rock scene had taken a turn to hard acid rock and what some would consider the psychedelic age had begun. I landed into a world that could be best described as moral confusion. Many were smoking pot and tripping on acid. Speed was widely available and wild parties were common place. "Free love "
was in. I watched some of my friends who sold out for the sex, drugs, and rock and roll culture turn into zombies and some died very young.
I was very shy and maybe that saved me from some trouble, but I had my share. I was infatuated with some of the musicians of the day and was influence
