Christmas Healing Volume III

Christmas Healing Volume III

Diane Arkenstone & Misha Segal's Christmas Healing:
Sultry, Playful and Gentle Sounds, an Alternative to the Shopping Mall-ized Holiday Music Fare

Los Angeles---Ahhh, the holiday season: tinsel fairies flitting through the snow, whispering sweet nothings into
your ear as you relax by the fire drinking hot egg nog with the ones you love that you only see once a year because more frequent meetings may be dangerous to your health as you fend off firey wails for the latest gizmos, gadgets and over-merchandised cartoons as well as wade through inquiries of why you had to settle for becoming just a doctor and not a surgeon like your sister (if only you'd listened). Stop the chaos! Isn't the holiday season supposed to be about rest, relaxation and rejuvenation? Yes, it is, and PrimaVista Records has just the soundtrack: Christmas Healing, the 3-volume holiday music release by Diane Arkenstone and Misha Segal.

A departure from the standardized, shopping mall-ized, perennial holiday music fare, Christmas Healing c
