Phil in the Blank

Phil in the Blank

Phil lives in the Blank, the space between everything. It's ugly and boring.
This piece of music was written for: bassoon; marimba; saxophone flute; horn percussion and vocals.
It is divided into 15 sections as follows:
Section One 3:48
The Circus Parade :54
The Circus Falls Apart :29
Section Two (Fanfare) 1:31
The Voice of Goddess 1:05
The Moist :09
The Best Design Yet 3:22
Section Eight (Cabfare) :37
Ferde :12
The C-Section 3:02
The Circus Redux :24
Tiny Telephone 1:25
Moist III :39
Al Jazeera :13
March 1:07
The Blank :56
You're Gonna Love it.


