Ready in Time

Ready in Time

Some people spend their whole lives searching for the path that might bring them home. But it’s often not just a single path that leads them there: one route can lead to another, which might lead to a long and winding road that drops you on the shore of a massive sea that you’ve no choice but to set sail on. The most important part of the voyage, regardless of which paths you take, is to know your true destination. And veteran troubadour Matt Epp knows his destination.

Matt’s existence has been in constant flux since he was a teenager, living everywhere from the desolate Prairies to the bustle of big cities, and hitchhiking all over Canada in between. This wealth of experience has turned him into one of the country’s best live acts and most valuable artistic exports, a rare performer with the ability to take you into his world and make you feel like, in an instant, a true friend. His knack for transforming theatres into living rooms is almost un-paralleled, and has translated to major touring success overse
