The Presence (unabridged)

The Presence (unabridged)

“Mr. Black has quite an imagination...”
~ The Dallas Morning News

“His sensibilities broaden from machine gun testosterone to discreet
fatherhood, from errant sexuality to wry humor...”
~ Brian Adams, The Collegian

“Black is one of those writers that we who worship this genre look for every time...”
~ John Strange,

The world is not what it seems. North America is one union; trade in illegal cloning is thriving; and the Biolution has changed all the rules. It’s a dark new world in the 21st Century, and National Security Agency profiler Sonny Chaco is fed up with swimming the Net. His latest assignment is Alberto Goya, billionaire CEO of global media giant AztecaNet. The NSA thinks Goya is involved with racketeering, but Chaco knows that he has ties to the Mexican Mafia.

Chaco’s information is coming from Deja Moriarty, one of AztecaNet’s brightest reality producers. Deja wonders if she’s really helping her country, while Chaco seriously questions his feelings for his sexy informant.

