White Horse Rider

White Horse Rider

Christian Today:
“If you close your eyes and think of the apocalypse you might think of dark, swirling black clouds. If you were to close your eyes and choose a soundtrack for that moment you might find it in “White Horse Rider”, an unusual track on what has got to be one of the most intriguing Christian music projects on the go at the moment.”

Louder Than The Music:
“I really enjoy the track White Horse Rider, I have to admit this album isn't your traditional Christian sounding album, which actually is great a thing. It's raw and different, and a songwriters album. As said, White Horse Rider will not be the kind of song you would hear in a Sunday church meeting, but the lyrics are still very intriguing and powerful and not the obvious words to write about, and that's what I like about this album, nothing is obvious. I love the line "Behold a sharp sword, coming from his mouth, By which he'll strike the nations". ”


