Off The Leash
Dear Friends, It has been three years since our last CD. One of the exciting things that has taken place in the interim has been the incredible growth in instrumental maturity. Kurt has taken up the bass guitar after years of being soley and simply the smoothest vocalist I'ver ever worked with. He plays all but one track and is getting very comfortable with playing and singing live. Ken's work on the keyboards amazes me for a guy that has never had a music leson and has only been playing a little over three years. The growth of this part of our sound has allowed me, the guitarist/arranger to be more creative with the songs and my instrument as well. This CD title reflects that freedom that is blooming in our performance as well as our song writing.
Kurt's new orginal's "Lucky Seven" and "Take Another Look"
have been contracted to one of the premier country publishing companies. Arranging and recording our own tunes is always exciting. Also included is a re-mix of "Miss You More" one of my songs that has gotten a lot of attention as well.
Your gonna like this one, turn up the volume and enjoy.
Barry "The Bad Dog"
Barry Brottlund Vocals, guitar, bass, keyboards
Ken Lelm, vocals keyboards
Kurt von Meyer vocals, bass
Bruce Roselle, Percussion, toys