Medicine Trail

Medicine Trail

Medicine Trail

“....amazing…a significant healing journey. Memo’s Native American flute takes you full circle!”

This is the sixth CD in a unique series of Native American flute music that takes the listener on a healing journey – into a deep personal space that gets deeper with each listening. The medicine here is feminine, deep and rich like Mother Earth. In this sense, the music is truly shamanic. It breaks free us of linear time and space to the time of our becoming.

The tracks of this CD take you on the journey on the ‘medicine trail,’ a Native American reference to personal healing path in life.

Memo (the Spanish nickname for “Bill”) is a healer/artist and shamanic practitioner in the Inca tradition. The flute first appeared to him in a shamanic journey called a ‘soul retrieval.’ He incorporated the Native American flute in the practices of opening sacred spaces and divination, and soon began recording music inspired by the powerful healing ways and rites of the Q’ero, the last descendents of
