New Like A Stranger

New Like A Stranger

"Moving and soothing testimony to and commentary on the human condition."
- Washington City Paper

"Its simple and pure; pure music, vocals and guitar. Rana gives the feeling of watching one of those great movies that you know you will watch again and again as she stretches your listening heart to the horizon of her expression. So Wrong, Let it All are powerful and all-encompassing, as is she."
- Women's Rising

Undress your ears. Let them stand bare with the vocals of Rana. With percussive rhythms and reflective soul, Rana sings music heavy with familiarity but rare in its honesty.

On the 2006 CD release, New Like A Stranger, emotion and power run deep. With Scott Spelbring of Dragonfly East Studios lending his amazing talents to the project, the simple vocal guitar tracks echo in expansive intimacy.

After years in Boston entertaining audiences from cafés to concert halls, Rana [pronounced Rah-Na] now romps about the metro DC area. Her writing is ever focused on her life and our place in the day. No stor
