Negative Space

Negative Space

I grew up in Philadelphia. For most of my life I was tormented by my fellow classmates because I was different . I soon realized my only escape other than art was video games were I would be the one dealing out punishment. In the video game world I was in control. This is where the first half of my name comes from, and the second half is how these kids made me feel like a freak. That is what the name represents for me. Most of my songs deal with this subject matter. I decided to leave Philly in Feb 2001 to pursue a music career in Hollywood. This was a crazy time, but things are starting to come together in a crazy, mangled sort of way. My influences are Nine Inch Nails, Skinny Puppy, Frontline Assembly, and Prodigy.

[Negative Space is a enhanced CD so in addition to the songs you can put it in a computer and watch my music videos or view a gallery of my artwork and lyrics to]
