This aint no sugar coated sweet and sickly prance through the brightly coloured flower fields of life, this is a deep meaningful journey into the dark recesses of the mind. An in your face preview of life as seen, heard and now bitterly and venomously portrayed by YnoT. It’s gutsy its heart wrenching its ballsy ... its Life but not as we know it.
Seven brilliantly thought provoking tunes that will have you on the edge of your seat and even though the lyrics are deeper than most oceans you'll be tempted to slip off the edge of your seat, as you feel your feet start to move to the tempo and beat of each song. Some acts fail to get better with each release this is not the case with YnoT, with every release YnoT are getting stronger and stronger and this is proof YnoT have come a long way in the last year since the release of Sexland.
If you haven’t experienced the unique and raw sound of YnoT yet Life would be the best place to start, listen once and like it, listen twice you'll be hooked.
Track Listing (Independently marked Out of 10)
Everyday (I live With This)..... 8
Dogs Life.....8
No Respect.....7
Who Said.....8.5
The Point.....10
Always Away.....9
So YnoT Get A Life Now
Its time for the sound of Ynot to be heard around the world. It’s time to bring back rocks legacy.
As Dick Hebdige was quoted in the book “Punk Rock, So What: The Cultural Legacy of Punk”, its transformations go “against nature”, interrupting the powers of “normalization”. They are gestures, movements towards a speech that offends the “silent majority”, which challenges the principals of unity and cohesion, which contradicts the myth of consensus.
That is the basis of pure true in your face punk. That is the basis of YnoT. Ynot was born and bred in the UK and has been compared with many great punk rock bands of the past. In reviews it was said YnoT is classic old school punk rock, reminiscent of the sex pistols, with plenty of great guitar riffs and charged vocals. You decide, but one thing you can’t argue, Ynot is the pure raw, rip your heart out and make you ask for more type of rock. The kind that leaves you wondering what emotion the next song will tear out of you.
When you listen to Ynot you’re not going to get the overproduced, stereotypical trash often heard today. You get crunching power chords, emotionally strained vocals, and catchy hooks all held together with thought provoking lyrics. It takes you back to the kind of punk rock that you would never dare to polish off the rough edges. The song writing is based on the inspirations that life gives us all, and yet provides the perfect escape for your imagination to run without the restraints of reality.
Its time to release YnoT in the United States to “interrupt the powers of normalization”, and speak up even if it does offend the “silent majority”. We are not put here to be silent; everyone has a voice and choices to make. That’s a thing called “Life” so YnoT!
There's something happening, something bubbling underneath that is ready to explode,
Something that can’t be kept a secret for much longer. There is a growing army gathering outside the rock n roll gates of hell chanting one name, a name that will soon become recognized by the masses. Dare you join the masses that are ready to kick down the gates? Will you allow your ears to be seduced by pure honest rock music?
The kind of music that has been lost in the avalanche of sickly sold out manufactured pop pre Madonna's. Its time to take a stand, its time to give music back to the people, so join the army and send forth the name of YnoT.