Dissociative Identity, Vol. 1
Dissociative identity disorder (DID, also known as multiple personality disorder in the ICD-10[1]) is a psychiatric diagnosis whose essential feature, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), "...is the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states...that recurrently take control of behavior."[2] The diagnosis requires that at least two personalities (one may be the host) routinely take control of the individual's behavior. In tuning her craft, Ariana has touched on every genre and morphs into different personalities for each session.
Tootie - This is the nickname we call Ariana. In fact, it is the only name that she has been called since she was a baby. This character is the bubbly, upbeat, has no negative bone in her body. She sees the positive in every thing and finds positive solutions to the worse scenarios although sometimes she can be easily fooled due to being naive about life and tricksters etc. Her speech is sort of Valley Girl or Disneyesque like.
Ariana - This is her legal real name. This is the character that is born with a silver spoon in her mouth and has not had to want for anything. She has always had things and it has made her kind of snobby. She reads incessantly and is ultra intelligent. She is sort of like a genius but because she is snobby she doesn't feel the need to prove anything to anyone. Her beauty and intelligence are her greatest assets. On the album Ariana represents all of the R&B ballads that she has done since she was 14 years old.
ShaQuayla - This is the first part of Ariana's middle name. This is the character who wanted to be Ariana but she is so ghetto and hard core that she warps that image and gets it all wrong. She knows about rules but doesn't care about them and will just take whatever the consequences of her actions are...good or bad. Her speech is the most ghetto and type cast sort of speech you can think of and she makes honest attempts to speak proper but it is comical in nature. On the album ShaQuayla represents the Club songs and raps that Ariana has done since she was 14 years old.
Mi'Shon - This is the second part of Ariana's middle name. This character embraces mysticism and magic. As a kid she played games like Dungeons and Dragons and used a Quija board and tapped into the real essence of mystycism and magic. She is very ethereal and weird in her mannerisms and her logic and speech puts you in the mind of David Carradine in the tv show Kung Fu. She abhors physical contact. It's almost as if she is just a visitor here, almost alien in nature. Her speech is a bit slow and thought out. On the album Mi'Shon represents the rock and roll and alternative and other genre songs that Ariana has done since she was 14 years old.
A Comic Book is in development and will be released soon.