Daddy's Little Girl

Daddy's Little Girl

"Daddy's Little Girl" was written in honor of my dad, Harry Fields, who lived for 93 plus years on this earth, and almost made it to 94, yet opted out at the last minute. We didn't always see eye-to-eye, yet I truly miss him even though 3 years have passed since his passing, and there you have the real reason for my writing this song! As the saying goes, "you never know what you got until it's gone", and that is so TRUE!!! Dad taught me many things, yet as the song explains, he never really gave me permission to be myself, and that's one of the most important roles of a parent is giving their children positive affirmations to carry them through their lives. My mother always told me I took after my dad and I never knew if that was a compliment or not. I had pretty interesting parents to say the least, and as any teenager can testify, I never did understand them, until I got older! My dad did the best he could to raise me as we all try to do as parents, and that is what I now realize that I didn't quite get whe


