Death Of The Fresh

Death Of The Fresh

Asia and Miss Dissya are ghetto revolutionaries, genius warrior divas from the not too distant future. The getup they rock - green wigs, nails, tight clothes, ice studded dollar sign medallions, heels - is a disguise stolen from a dressing room in the belly of the beast: the corporate megalopolis music industry instrument of the elite.

ASIA: A ghetto emcee, scholar, and revolutionary grappling with the question of whether revolution can occur without violence. A fringe anarchist who is studying the nature of capitalism, communism, socialism and anarchy in an attempt to discover the blueprint for a more harmonious, equitable and “free” society. An adept emcee who weaves politics into her lyrics, she wants more than anything to put her rhymes out and have them transform enough minds to create a “critical mass” of humanity who will create the new society. POWERS: Freestyling, streetfighting, charisma, de-ciphering codes and systems of information

MISS DISSYA: A ghetto deejay, musical scholar and electronic mus
