Words of Life

Words of Life

The night of June 25, 1988, Maria Luisa gave birth to her first child in the city of El Salvador, Chile. The pregnancy and delivery were difficult and risky. Maria Luisa clung to the Lord and promised she would dedicate her little baby if He saved his life.
Frank grew up in a Christian home in the city of Copiapo, where he learned to overcome the problems and difficult life situations holding the hand of God. At the age of 10 his Christmas wish was fullfilled in his little sister Isadora whom he loves and adores.
Since his childhood music was Frank's passion. He loves to sing and began to sing in his church at a very young age. From then on he participated in many choirs and ensembles throughout Highschool and University. Throughout his professional life as a music teacher he kept forming and directing vocal ensembles.
He himself was a singer in "Blessed Gospel Trio" which he formed and directed for 8 years. He is also part of "BCM" vocal ensemble which is the official ensemble for the Seventh Day Adventis
