Spit Hot Fire
Spit Hot Fire, the self-titled second release and first full length album by the alternative/reggae/rock band from New York City, brings to life the stories, mixed emotions and experiences of a young man pursuing his dreams and success in one of the most exciting, difficult and harrowing places in the world. With words accompanied by the gritty, melodic, and harmonious dub laced rock and pop of the band, singer/songwriter/guitarist Bryce Alvord’s tales of escapade, hope, love, lust, exaltation, loss, anger, depression, and redemption will entertain and captivate you with their intelligence, wit, and raw honesty. Highly relatable to any young artist or passionate soul, the stories of the album intimately describe the real life drama and the struggle of coming to age in the big city. On the brink of success and bordering on destitution at the same time, on top of the world in one moment and deep in sorrow the next, the driving, hip-hop influenced beats mixed with the diversity and sophisticated simplicity o