

韩国人气女团f(x)成员Amber单独出道!首张个人迷你专辑《Beautiful》的主打歌「Shake That Brass "是 由 她 创作 曲词 的 Urban HipHop乐曲,歌词叫大家把烦恼暂时抛开,好好的享受今天,少女时代太妍亦会参与献声。

f (x) Amber first solo album, 'Beautiful' 16 days after its release!
SNSD Taeyeon is the title track featuring participate! The five songs in a variety of colors!

f (x) is the first mini-album of Ember 'Beautiful' is released on February 16.
After his debut in 2009 Embassy f (x) members in activities and has gained global popularity with outstanding musical ability and neutral charm, recently MBC 'real men' Lady appeared to the master bedroom to look different in the eyes of viewers Featured grab, this was a show through this solo album expected to collect more.

This album has lyricist Embassy, recorded five songs of various genres participated in the composition, while the rap, dance, as well as f (x) Vol 2 songs regular 'Goodbye Summer', the regular third album songs 'Summer Love', such as through the composing skills can once again see the musical capabilities of the Embassy is also accredited.

In particular, the title track 'SHAKE THAT BRASS' is a unique brass sounds impressive urban hip hop song, the lyrics have a message to all the trouble they had fun together damat gladly put aside this day, SNSD Taeyeon is the charm of the song, featuring participation further doubling is expected to get a hot response from music fans.

Meanwhile, the Embassy is teaming very active in the first mini-album, 'Beautiful'.
