Took My Heartache Away

Took My Heartache Away

This album was alot of fun in the making.Most of the tracks are light hearted.The first track took my heartache away is a gentle love song.From there we move onto sleepy country town being a bit swingy or bluesy a littlle toe tapper.Maybell is a country rock song with a message about how we veiw ourselves and how to get a bit of a shift on our views.Hats goin high is a country rocken blues song about going to a rodeo fun.Cowgirl blues is a simple sweet love song with gentle slide guitar.Sometimes I dont is a lovely aussie country song about going for dreams sometimes we fall sometimes we dont.Beer Rum and Wine/Wino is a fun tongue in cheek song a bout someone who loves the grog abit more than their partener!!Black cat is a fun story about a cat that gives some advice jiven beat.Sometimes its hard to tell is a slow melody about a break up,whos right whos wrong.Dancing in the rain is a country rock song a bout getting over the break up .This song is one of the favourites along with black cat and wino of our l
