2007 NAMMY (Native American Music Award) nominee for Best Linguistic Recording
"Hello. My name is Tekahiónhake. I am wolf clan. My wife is Kaweienón:ni and between us we have 7 children. This CD is called Rarennenhá:wi (He carries a song) after my grandson because my wife and I are always working towards helping our community to relearn our language. Kim and Eddy Lawrence are two extremely creative and good minded people who are helping us to revitalize our language. We give them much gratitude for the wonderful work they are doing. I also give thanks to the many children whom I’ve taught through the years and how they have learned to sing my songs. I give thanks to the many people who are working towards saving our languages. Our language is of most importance and very beautiful. I encourage people to listen to my songs and to learn to sing them. I acknowledge my sister Kasé:waien for the work she is doing towards saving our language. "Tiorahkwáthe my friend, it’s your fault I started singing. Big thank you