D.Phunk's Variety Pack

D.Phunk's Variety Pack

Who is D.Phunk? That is most definitely a often asked question!
Let’s start finding the answers, taking it step by step from beginning to now.

D.Phunk was born in Nuremberg/Germany, conceived by his German mother and his American father. Throughout his youth he was confronted with two totally different cultures, so he had no choice, b.u.t. to take half from each side, accepting the best and the worst from both worlds. Since his father was in the military, the family moved back and forth between Europe and the States. D.Phunk used this time wisely to learn, observe and fully comprehend the way of life in the United States and in Europe.

At an early age he encountered many different types and styles of music. The hip hop culture was the route he ended up choosing. Actually he really didn’t choose the music, b.u.t. the music chose him. Nowadays many people on the planet listen to hip hop, soul, R&B, blues or jazz. It is definitely very important for him to share his point of views and way of life, with anyone
