Locks & Keys
Since the recording of my first album, so many things have happened. I have learned a million things. I've evolved into a different person. I am no less focused, but a lot more centered. I've found myself in situations that I felt trapped and spent days, months, and even years in some cases searching through all the keys I'd been given to try and find the one that would release the locks that were holding me back and holding me down. The change was excruciating but necessary for me to become the person I needed to be. And when I started writing for this album, it didn't occur to me until now that my songs were my keys. I wrote myself out of the locks and freed myself from what was keeping me from reaching my goals. We all struggle to break through one lock just to have another one slapped on and we spend however long it takes searching for the right key to get us out of that corner. But we must NEVER lose sight of that dream. My songs are my keys and I give them to you in hopes that they might fit o