Songs of the Sierras

Songs of the Sierras

The Sierra Nevada Mountains have always been a touchstone in my life. I spent summers on the family homestead as a
young boy where I learned the lore of the 19th century lifestyle. I was immersed the pines, soil and vistas that have
never left me over the years. Though I have spent most of my life away from California and the mountains my heart and
imagination have always returned time and time again. Here are some fruits of my remembrance.

The Graves In Eshom Valley – Listeners are cautioned not to expect a literal vision of
this cemetery. Some of my distant relatives are interred here.

Bear Clover – For those not familiar with the Sierras this is a ground covering plant also
known as mountain misery. The scent is either wonderful or repellent.

Farewell To Spring – A lovely flower catalogued by William Clark of the Lewis & Clark
expedition. Its appearance announces the arrival of summer.

The Old Logging Road – A song about remnants of earlier business in the Sierras.
I learned to drive on th
