An Eruptive Spaceship

An Eruptive Spaceship

"Me&Mars will change your perception of how music is played. Their unique sound is a fusion of funk, punk,jazz. They follow in the path of musicians who have shaken the music industry, Elvis, the Beatles, the Ramones, and Madonna; they changed the face of music industry and re-invented what we now know as mainstream. They’re in the category known as unconventional, and Me&Mars ishere to leave there mark on the music world.

The band opened up with their song,"Bubbles of the air". It is a mix of cacophonous sounds; what is surprising about this song is Ivan’s incredible guitar solo, featuring ambient effects. It is a musical masterpiece that was executed beautifully onstage. It is clearly the heart and soul of the song; Ivan’s skills are a force to be reckoned with.
Ivan’s master rhythms along with Naomi’s drumming skills and Yukino's subtle bass are what make their sound so unique."

Live music review 2010 By Samurai Beat Radio
