Introducing Miss Jones

Introducing Miss Jones

Wow, after 5 long years, the concept project that started in the basement of Jeremy's mom's house in Philly
has finally been completed in my stomping grounds of Prince George's County, Maryland. There have been so
many experiences that have brought me to this point. Many days of wondering what I was supposed to do in
life, with all of these degrees, and just realizing that all I really wanted to do was just sing! Truth be told this
moment started on May 3, 1986 in Washington, DC. I was born on that date, but had a prognosis that I would
not be able to talk, let alone sing. The umbilical cord was wrapped so tightly around my neck that it impacted
my vocal chords. But, God...I had a praying mother, Rev. Denise Haley-Jones, who believed that things would
be turned around for her baby girl. Once I started talking clearly, around the age of 4, there was no stopping

I want to thank my beloved grandmother, Willa M. Haley, who throughout my life was so very supportive of my
happiness and my desire to sing. I love you grandma and you can now hear my record play over and over
again in heaven. I miss and cherish you so much. On August 18, 2014, I saw an angel ascend. Then, I want to
thank my beloved Papa, James Haley, who always taught me to not let anyone detour me of my dreams. To
my brother, Gregory Jones—The MIT genius, thank you for being supportive of me; I can honestly say that I
had a wholesome man, who I knew protected me, but also pushed me to never settle and to be independent. I
must thank my Daddy, Charles G. Jones for always encouraging me to dance in front of the TV, and to sing my
heart out for fun. Also, thank both of my parents for reminding me in their own ways, that I've always had what
it took to be a leader and to be on top. I was born with grace and I have an ordained destiny...

Now, I also want to thank all of my “horrible bosses” that forced me into identifying who I am and providing
experiences to write about...I want to thank all of my amazing mentors, who’ve taught me how to persevere
throughout all of the craziness of being in the workforce, being young, and easy on the eyes...“you is kind,
smart and important!” I want to thank all the musicians who pushed me to keep reaching for my dreams,
specifically, Denise King. She always would cut through my excuses for not singing full time. "If you love what
you do, what else is there for you to do, but do just that, sing!"

Thanks Shumethia Seal and Latreaca Ivey for always listening to every new thing on a song that I did in the
studio during graduate school. To my Best Friends thank you for supporting me and accepting my many phone
calls and texts when I needed a good laugh, some good eats or just to runaway: soon to be Dr. Kristyn Smith,
Dr. Chigozie Achuko, and Demeeka Posey. To my only male Best Friend: Amir Thorne, thanks for giving me
something to write about, hopefully it will forge the way for a Grammy. I know you are probably mad, but as
always, apparently I don't care… To all of my play sisters- Rev. Dr. Kanika Magee, Trisch Smith, Staci Jones,
and Vanecia Davis; you all have seen me grow into a woman; thanks for the love and support. To my Godsis—
Carmen Vails, you are so humble and supportive of my crazy ways, I love you immensely. To my late
Godfather—Rev. Donald Vails, thanks for introducing me to the gospel industry and giving me my 1st solo.
I must thank my host of aunties, friends, mentors, and networks: The Clark family Aunties, Cousin Barbara, My
Fav cousin—Bevin Holland—my personal assistant, Cousin Owen, Val & India, my play lil sistahs—Jasmine &
Breana, Aunt Sandra, Aunt Lorraine and the Settles, Auntie Novella, Shelly, Torian Brown, Saundra King,
Peggy Morris and all of the Sisters of Sisters 4 Sisters Network, Inc., Alisa Armstrong, Kaego- true friendship,
Rob- my NYC hustler, Kenny Smith, Stella Dorn, Cynthia Dumas, and yes even you—T. Michelle Christian
(wink),Tammye Brownlee, Shalea Smith, Charli Kemp, my mom a step away—Pat Jones, Angelina Williams,
Esq., Asha Parham, Wala Blegay, Esq., Dr. Kent Roberson, Dr. A. Wakhweya, Jennifer Jones and the Women
of the WE3 Conference, My folks listed here at GBMS who supported me as being the youngest Director at
28—Earl “wow,” RiRi- my fav Gemini, Mel G., Andrea Phillips & Dr. SAL, All of my elected official folks, Dr.
Charlene Dukes, Lori Webster, Rajesh Bhagirat, Rick Tate, Anthony Forrest, Kevin Carter, Jeremy
“Wheatbread” Boyd, Brian Cunningham, my college roommates: Kyla Simone, Monique Allen, Karoline Ashley,
and Dr. Ellegant Pearson, all of my ex's—our relationships made good stories to sing about, Bishop McNamara
High School—big props to The Dr. Marco Clark—CEO and President, Xavier University of Louisiana, Hurricane
Katrina of 2005 that destroyed all of my things and then landed me at Drexel University for undergrad and grad
school, The Late Constantine Papadakis & Maria (never forgot you), Psi Chi, Tri Beta, Phi Sigma Pi Honors
Fraternities—Yes, I am a nerd on the humble, Sylvia Purnell Muldrow, Girl Scouts of America (yea, I sold them
cookies tho, and got that silver award), Ebenezer AME Church—Pastors Jo Ann & Grainger Browning & my
church family, TSMANDD Company for doing my album artwork (Kyla and Rashawn), Reggie Staggers who
can now say he survived working for me as my sound engineer, bless his heart! Gotta thank “Bessie the Benz”
for not breaking down all the times I would drive back and forth to gigs and to and from Philly and MD, to the
Washington Mystics that allowed me to sing the National Anthem, James McCrae of Too Sharp Productions
who filmed me. Philadelphia Lawyers of the Arts, La Rose and Kim Tucker, all of my Philadelphia musicians—you guys saw so much in me, before I even caught on; Ashley Fisher for helping me learn how to harmonize, my hairstylist—Monique Wiley, My seamstress—Re’nee Stallings, all the photographers—Kim Thalia, Alicia Raft, and Toni Ramsey, Shannon Scates, my middle school best friend who did my first blog interview for me as a singer, childhood besties—Shante Jackson, Shannon B., Kia, Morg; and Nanyamka Payne—my 1st official true fan!

I must thank all of the haters and folks who misjudged me, you propelled me to eventually not give a DAMN
about you and just keep being me! This project was funded through grad school loans and, thanks for
helping a sistah out by paying down this debt and purchasing the album. You know I am frugal, what do you
expect, I am a Taurus. lol. For all whose names, I couldn't mention because that would require a 16 panel
booklet, please know that I am grateful for you!!!!

Love you all and thank you from my enlarged heart.

