The Healing
The Healing combines passionate, modern worship minus the lyrical cheese of much of mainstream modern worship. The songs are unapologetically Gospel-centered, Christ-exalting, and in-your-face anthems perfect for congregational worship or for personal devotion. Utilizing and rewriting three hymns combined with nine brand new worship tunes makes for a unique connection to the past and an ancient-future feel. Several spontaneous worship moments in the studio were captured as well, and the hope is that the listener/worshiper will likewise sense those passionate moments where God’s Spirit showed up.
CD Insert Blurb:
In a culture that is becoming increasingly apathetic and antagonistic to the message of the Gospel, how quickly and easily it is to fall victim to the sin of point-the-fingerism. Sometimes a preoccupation with the darkness surrounding us blinds us to our own darkness. And though unquestionably the darkness that surrounds must be penetrated by the light of the Gospel, unless our own sin is first