Fly Low

Fly Low

It is difficult to make close comparisons between Tommy and other artists. The music here is a true blend of various styles and genres. Tommy's love for great blues guitar ( ala Clapton, Beck, Stevie Ray, Allman Bros.) is on display throughout this collection. However, these are not "blues" songs. They are the product of decades of playing and absorbing everything from Motown to Metal. The production is deliberately un-glossy, allowing all the raw energy and edgy passion to burst through the speakers. It sounds like Tommy's right there in your living room playing his guitar and singing for you!

Tommy never takes the listener for granted. There are no "filler" tracks. Most of these songs are about the redemptive power of love in a very tormented world. They are very personal, yet very accessible. From the soft, airy acoustic guitars to the screaming lead solos, Tommy pours his heart out for you through his guitar and his well as the clever, intelligent lyrics.

Mama says: "Tommy wants to play his guitar and sing for you"...yeah...crank it up!
