I Spy

I Spy

GO directly to this bands website, DO NOT pass go, DO NOT collect £200! Probably the best 6 track mini album i've heard in ages - THIS BAND ROCK!
(The Overflow Underground Music Network, UK)

Thursday, December 09, 2004
HOTDAMN! I just LOVE a good Clap Track! (BUT I HATE BUSH)
For those of you whose mind's are in the gutter (not me) a clap track is not a nasty STD, but rather it is that ***magical*** moment when, milling about somewhere in Songland (cleverly located between Ponyland and Legoland), GOD sees fit to have PEOPLE CLAPPING in a shizzly way.

So I just got this new EP from someone in a land far far away (that I lived in once when I was still wild and crazy) called "I Spy" from a band named Twisterbait. I'm not so sure that I dig their band name but, who in the hell knows, it just might grow on me.

Now, what I like about them is that they are funny, and they laugh at themselves. Really they do. Taking all the world's sh*t too seriously is leading many people towards the DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE.

Yes, America sux. Yes, there are a lot of fucked up people here. Yes, they are very self-satisfied ROLLING about in their delusional-land called Mediocrityville (White House) but come on, millions of people did not vote for that cunter. Please, REMEMBER THIS FACT WHEN YOU ARE TEMPTED TO HATE ALL AMERICANS.

YES OUR Government officials are screwy, and sometimes DOWNRIGHT scary, but think about what it is like to live here knowing that your President is not the man that you voted for, and that he is in fact perpetuating an agenda that causes you real emotional pain when you are FORCED to see it in opperation's REDICULOUSLY TITLED (Enduring Freedom?), and in knowing that there are MILLIONS of people worldwide who HATE you simply because of where you were born.

Make a distinction between the American Government and the American People (non-Bushites) who are continuously and genuinely horrified by what is being perpetuated by Bush's foreign policy.

Think of them as citizens of *The United States of Canada (Ponyland, Legoland, Songland etcetera), and NOT Jesusland; whose capitol city of Mediocrityville is admittedly bursting at the seams with more shithead's than ever before.

Phew, did I just get political? sniff... Yes, I've been watching the BBC.

Back to the music that helps me make it through moment's such as these...

In any case, on this EP there is a song called "Cannonball" and it has a really FAN-F**KIN-TASTIC clap track intro... I can't help it... I love the clapping... and the fun-ness of it...

"Popstars" is a diggable song as well... very irreverent.


I'm not thinking that, as of yet, I across the board love this band, but that song, goodness, it just does something to me... way deep down inside where the FUN-Meter resides, and the Fun-Meter's needle goes all wiggly and squirmy when that song's a clappin' away.

For all you musicians out there...PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF YOU'VE GOT WHAT I NEED... add more clap tracks. The kiddies dig it.

(As a nerdy music aside, for those of you who like this kind of info, Simon Hanson (Death in Vegas) mixed this disc)

If you wanna check it out, then go here: http://www.Twisterbait.com


Hate BUSH, HATE WAR, Hate Stupidity, Hate Badly Brewed coffee, but don't hate EVERYONE here in the *USofC. Love, Love, Love makes the disc spin round so shimmy, shimmy, shimmy... (big SMACKING kisses for you all)
posted by You've Got What I Need... at 11:10 AM


We love your cd! We have played the whole thing on http://www.luver.com
...in fact tonight! And it is now in luver's mix....so you are often on luver!
When you have more stuff [old or new], send it to luver!
In freedom,
Frank Moore

We received the Twisterbait CD and added it to our rotation. It's charting in
our top 30, so it's definately doing well, and it should for a while.
Definately keep us updated on the workings of Twisterbait.
Mike Swidrak

I did indeed get the Twisterbait EP, and have been spinning it. It's
very interesting I have to say :P I really like the blend of spoken
word, industrial, and hard rock. I've gotten positive response from
the EP overall, since it's simply well-composed and pleasing to listen
to. Keep up the good work! I'll definitely be interested in the full
KTEK Metal Director

I'm glad to say that I received the CD safe and sound, and I really enjoyed it! I'm looking forward to hearing some new tracks if you have any completed. take care and looking forward to hearing from you again soon! - heather (UK BLITZ)

The cd went out onto the shelf on 12-10. it received 2 spins last week. thanks!
amanda sacco
music director

Yes...it was good and we have it out for play in Medium Rotation..thanks for sending it.
Mik Davis
WUSM-FM 88.5-General Manager

Thanks so much for submitting your music to VR Radio / The Michael Anthony
Right now your music is rotating on the 24/7 listen stream, available on the
Michael Anthony Show M Player (both located @
http://www.michaelanthonyshow.com/listen) and several radio networks on the
We can't thank you enough for being a part of what we do. But even more, we
salute you for being the heart of the music industry. Independent artists
are what passion, hunger and real music are all about. Never stop doing what
you love. Achieve your dreams. We'll be right there supporting you!
Screw the mainstream,
Michael Anthony
Brocket 99 Entertainment

Alternative Beat Playlist
(Saturdays 10pm-2am) * Indicates recently added song
% Indicates most requested new song or heavy response

PLAYLIST 3/12/05 Hour 1 (10pm) Set 2:
% Twisterbait- I Spy
Beck- E Pro (David X x-tended mix)
Rage Against The Machine- Mic Check
%* Daft Punk- Robot Rock
* Portobella- Viva La Difference
Underworld- Bruce Lee (Micronauts remix)

Hour 2 Set 2:
Sage Francis- Slow Down Gandhi
Primitive Radio Gods- Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand
Beck- Hell Yes (Ghettochip Malfunction remix)
* Twisterbait- Let's Go Shopping
Killers- Mr. Brightside (Lindbergh remix)
Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Maps (Party Ben mashup mix)

PLAYLIST 3/5/05 Set 2:
% Twisterbait- I Spy
Beck- E Pro (David X x-tended mix)
Rage Against The Machine- Mic Check
%* Daft Punk- Robot Rock
* Portobella- Viva La Difference
Underworld- Bruce Lee (Micronauts remix)

PLAYLIST 3/19/05 Hour 1 (10pm) Set 1
Sage Francis- Slow Down Gandhi
Primitive Radio Gods- Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand
Beck- Hell Yes (Ghettochip Malfunction remix)
* Twisterbait- Let's Go Shopping
Killers- Mr. Brightside (Lindbergh remix)
Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Maps (Party Ben mashup mix)

Set 2
Twisterbait- I Spy
Beck- E Pro
Garbage- #1 Crush
* Moby- Lift Me Up (super discount mix)
The Bravery- An Honest Mistake
Killers- Somebody Told Me (DJ Tripsic mashup)

PLAYLIST 2/12/05 Hour 1 (10pm) Set 1:
Twisterbait- I Spy
Modest Mouse- Float On
Kelli Ali- Home Honey I'm High
Louis 13- Finding Out True Love Is Blind
Fatboy Slim- Wonderful Night
Prodigy- Hotride (El Batori remix #2)

PLAYLIST 1/15/05 Hour 1 (10pm) Set 1:
* Twisterbait- I Spy
Korn- Freak On A Leash (Butch Vig remix)
Fatboy Slim- Gangster Trippin'
* Ladytron- Sugar
Smashing Pumpkins- 1979 (remix)
* Unkle feat. Ian Brown- Reign

PLAYLIST 1/8/05 Hour 2 (11pm) Set 1:
* Twisterbait- I Spy
Korn- Freak On A Leash (Butch Vig remix)
Fatboy Slim- Gangster Trippin'
* Ladytron- Sugar
Smashing Pumpkins- 1979 (remix)
* Unkle feat. Ian Brown- Reign

(Thanks KWOD!)
Well, David X is a local legend, although he is too decent an individual
to ever think it, let alone say it. He is definitely something of a
tastemaker in Northern California.
Anyway, best of luck, and thank you in advance for the full cd. I look
forward to hearing it.
Be well!

I got you new disc in the mail today...KILLER!!!! Loved it!!!! Would it be possible to get you on the phone sometime next week to do a brief interview about the band? - David
David X-Alternative Beat Show KWOD

Pop music without a beat (Music) with Stevie G
WED DEC 8TH 2004 8.00PM-10.00PM
R=listener request. N=music new at the station. L=local music.

8:00PM Bionaut "*" from Au Naturel ALBUM (Tiny Bubbles Music 1996) L - This is not the same Bionaut as Matador label's "The Modernist"
9:09PM Bionaut "*" from Big Causeway to Gone CD ALBUM (Triptych 1998) L
9:56PM Twisterbait "I Spy" CD EP (Xacca Sounds 2004) N

KTEK History
Ratings (x/20)
****Week of 12/12-12/17:****
That's it until mid-January. No change to the awesome Top 10.
-Top 10-
1) Beseech - Drama
2) The_Haunted - rEVOLVEr
3) Impious - Hellucinate
4) Cipher System - Central Tunnel Eight
5) Sirenia - An Elixer for Existence
6) 3 Inches of Blood - Advance and Vanquish
7) Full Blown Chaos - Wake the Demons
8) Hanzel und Gretyl - Scheizzmessiah
9) Daysend - Severance
10) Diecast - Tearing_Down_Your_Blue_Skies


15 : Twisterbait - I Spy EP - UK Sample
15 : Scum of the Earth - Blah...Blah...Blah - Love Songs for the New Millennium -

We got it. its in the air room. rock on.
Paul Salazar, Rock Director
KZSC Radio
UC Santa Cruz

Yes, your CD arrived and has been reviewed and put in our library for airplay.
Good luck in 2005!

Got the cd - it's available for airplay
Nico Leone
Music Director
KDHX FM 88.1

Sure, we got that. I just listened to it the other day...Thanks!

AUSTRALIAN / EUROPEAN radio reaction to 'I Spy' SINGLE sent April 2004:


It's an awesome track. We're loving it. Has been getting feature play for the last week - from this Monday it goes into "A" rotation (2-5 plays a day).
Can't wait to hear the album.
Michael Pollard
TUNE! FM Station Manager/Program Director

Thanks for sending me a copy of "I Spy" by Twisterbait. I
love it and will be playing it on my programme this week and in weeks to
come. Please feel free to send any material you may feel suitable at any
time. Thanks again and I hope it does well.
John Robb
Rock & Roll Smorgasbord
2CCR FM 90.5 Sydney

Just dropping you a line to let you know that the I Spy CD reached me safe'n'sound a few days ago. You're right, it's certainly something special. I'll be giving it a run on the show tomorrow night...and certainly several Thursday nights to come! :) Can't wait to hear the full CD when it's ready.
Cheers again
Andrew Lambkin
Community Radio Network Across Australia

My name is Angelina Rose, of 100.3 Bay FM. I have recently come into receipt
of "I Spy." I loved it and want more, much more. I would be eager to
put more of your material to air and promote any projects of yours on the
horizon. If you could send me any other releases you have made I would be
very thankful.

We have recieved your promotional copy of Twisterbait and we thankyou very
much. It has been snapped more by the youth programmers here, I haven't
heard it much, but it is in the library for airplay.
Good Luck and again, thankyou.
Pete Bufo, Music Programming Committee, Radio 2 BBB FM

United Kingdom:

Just thought you might want to see this.... (it's the second time I've played
it on the show). - Gill (SBN):
Lasts night's One To Watch had an ace playlist - lots of stuff which I totally
love... (hope you approve!!)... so thankyou very much for all the brilliant
music you are sending.
---OnesToWatch Playlist 20-05-04 ----
Johnny Panic - Burn Your Youth
Night Breed - Pack of Wolves
Mocky - How Will I Know You
Avril - Eve++++
Razorlight - Golden Touch
Dirty American - Strange Generation
Hiding Place - (What If)
Natalie Williams - If I Can't
Girls are Short - Snowflake
RJD2 - Exotic Talk
J Kwon - Tipsy
Thursday - War All The Time
Twisterbait - I Spy

Would you like me to put Twisterbait up for the demo clash soon on Totallywired With Claire Kember on Juice107.2 / www.totallywired.co.uk ???
After two weeks of level-pegging with Geist on the totallywired demo
clash - they've come through with a couple of extra votes this time. So it
was extremely close! Thanks so much for putting your track up - look forward to hearing more in the future.
Chris Anderson p.p. Claire Kember (Juice 107.7 FM)

I have played it on the show already... I'll see if the music controller fancies it on rotation. Oh, would you consider it a demo? Just that I might review it in is this music? but maybe you'd rather wait for the full release to be done as a proper album?
Another thought - would you be interested in putting a track on our cover CD sometime?
Stuart McHugh (Radio Magnetic)

Playlist: 4/5:
Multiplies - Egonomics (Mr Biji)
Beta Band - Out-Side (Regal)
Amorphous Androgynous - Divinity (Fulfill)
L.Pierre - Total Horizontal part 1(Melodic)
MC Solaar - La Vie Est Belle (eastwest)
Sleepyhead - Late at Night (demo)
Twisterbait - I Spy (demo)


Do you see a chance to provide us with a finished product for review purposes?
we would be very interested
Andy Gehling
(Radio 19/4 )

J'ai bien reçu ton cd. C'est très bien... je te recontacte !!
a très bientôt !
Radio Campus Amiens

Firstly, excuse me for my poor english!!
Then, we are really interested in promote you on our radio,
since we like your influences. But we need to listening to
more than one song, that's why we would like you to send us
several samples/songs. Thank you very much.
With all my excuses for the mistakes!!
Best wishes,
The Radio Campus Tours staff

Yes i have received the record. We play it during our électronic shows.
Olivier Barbin - responsable des programmes
Radio Pulsar


I just wanted to let you know that the single 'I Spy'
is now A-listed on our Radio. A really fine tune.
Studentradioen i Bergen

Australian/European radio reaction to E.P. sent September 2004:


Received the EP in the post this week and there are some more fine tracks on there, I must say. Apart from "I Spy", I especially like "Get On Our Bus", "Cannonball" and "Dead Man" (which to me has the strongest message on the EP besides the headline track). You can expect a new track from the EP to make it onto the show on Sept 23 (next programme recording is next week). Thanks again for sending it, and make sure you keep in touch! :)
Andrew Lambkin
Community Radio Network Across Australia

Received your 6 track EP a couple of weeks ago. This is the
first chance I've had to respond. I am playing all the tracks on my
programme and the listeners seem to like it. Let me know when it's available
at twisterbait.com in case someone here wants to purchase a copy or if
anyone is going to distribute it in Australia. I particularly like
"Popstars". We'll stay in touch.
Regards John Robb. (2CCR FM)

We have received this and it is getting some air play and positive
feedback.. Ron Gall President Radio NAG YeppoonUK

United Kingdom:

Hi, thanks for sending us a copy of 'I Spy' and for the mention in the CD
sleeve. I was impressed i think what you guys are doing is really unique,
easily one of the best CD's we've been sent.

Two of your tracks are going to be added to our playlist 'Get on Our Bus'
and 'Popstars' (I Spy is already on the playlist) will be played during our
rock shows called 'It's Only Rock n Roll' our Dance shows called 'Dirty
Beats' and also our mix shows (a selsction of the very best from each
genre), see website for schedule.
Pulse Unsigned is now playing unsigned music 24/7 on sky channel 905!

Kind Regards
Pulse Unsigned

My name is Liam Thomson. I run the UK based but internationally read
Music, Entertainment & Lifestyle magazine - www.stateofemergency.net
(State Of Emergency).
I am writing to ask whether we could arrange to feature and review
your Twisterbait - "I Spy" release.
I look forward to hearing from you;

Best Regards;
Liam Thomson.
State OF Emergency.net

Some more Fallout playlists, covering the last 4 weeks or so...
Dirty Vegas - Walk Into the Sun
Twisterbait - I Spy
Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence
Mylo - Drop The Pressure
Twisterbait - Dead Man
Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence

- Stuart McHugh - radiomagnetic.com's Fallout show (Tuesdays 16.30 - 1800 GMT)


EXCELLENT!!! ... great music and - yes - very cool production!!! ..
inspiring!!! airplay guaranteed ... the release really stands out fom the all the releases that I receive (which ALL stand out from the *normal* music scene - which
offers nothing but calculated formulars...
Cheerz, Lord Litter
P.S. ... I just *established* a new little regular thing I'll do .. a column
of releases that .. well, just read ..
>>> LORD LITTER top picks for October 2004
... these CDs are glued to my players ... exactly the sound that makes
me do what I do since 1984..VERY MUCH RECOMMENDED to check out if you
want to get to know up to date non fashion/biz music!!!
TWISTERBAIT : Ispy - http://www.twisterbait.com - bait@twisterbait.com
garage sound/flair meets destroyed cut-up-electroids attacks ...
produced by Simon Hanson (Death in Vegas) .. inspiring YEAH!!!!

>> shows on air/online/satellite/worldspace
"Suffice to say that he is one of the most important personalities in
the underground scene this side of John Peel." (GetRhythm, U.K.)
>> http://www.LordLitter.de
>> LordLitter@LordLitter.de

Thank you very much for sending us the finished product of your ep.
well done. but do you really think the sound is alternative rock, as mentioned on
your webside? i think of it more in terms of retro wave'n'gothic.
to me it sounds more like a FAD GADGET-clone than like a rebirth of the
seattle-connection. what do you think?
but i have another question: is it possible to provide me with a functionable link to a mp3-file of one or more of the tracks?
i think it would be great to put this link in my forthcoming review.
if not, can i get permission to produce mp3-files of at least one of the
songs? would be great.
please answer and have a nice time.
andy - Radio 19/4


Playlist von Querbeat (2,4) vom 23.11.2004:1 19:01 Pascal Parisot - Wonderful
2 19:04 Pascal Parisot - Victime de l'amour
3 19:08 Arthur H - Je reve de toi
4 19:14 Thierry Stremler - Fracture Sociale
5 19:18 Bénabar - Bon anniversaire
6 19:21 Carla Bruni - Le plus beau du quartier
7 19:25 Coralie Clement - L'ombre et la lumière
8 19:32 Twisterbait - I spy
9 19:36 Twisterbait - Get on our bus
10 19:41 Camille - La demeure d'un ciel
11 19:44 Camille - Paris
12 19:49 La rue Kétanou - Almarita
13 19:52 La rue Kétanou - Les mots
14 19:55 Vincent Delerm - Deauville sans trintignant


We have received the cd. We played it during the day and during the
électro evening show... 4 times/week.
- Olivier Barbin - responsable des programmes
Radio Pulsar

Firstly, i'm sorry for my poor english...
we finally decided to play Cannonball on our radio.
- Coralie,
Radio Campus Tours


Me gjer deg A-lista til Studentradioen i Bergen.
The Fiery Furnaces - «Blueberry Boat»
The Black Keys - «Stack Shot Billy»
Moneybrother/Looptroop - «Looking for more love»
Toy - «Decorama»
Magnet - «Wish me well - Bjørn Torske Remix»
The Faint - «Desperate Guys»
Earl Zinger - «Who killed saturday night»
Twisterbait - «I Spy»
Nes - «Sing to you»

Sorry It's taken so long for me to get back to you. As you know we're just at the end of our Licence application, and the decision is due tomorrow. Keep everything crossed!!!
Just wanted to let you know I love the CD. It's on the iPod now too and I've been playing it for a few people as a result. Hopefully Phantom will be licenced and we'll be able to spread the word to the masses.
Talk soon, keep up the great work - John Caddell (Phantom FM, Dublin)
