Real Love

Real Love

I spent my teenage years serving in my local church, Victory Life Centre, mainly in the Youth and Worship Bands and over the years I have acquired expert knowledge in different aspects of music from drumming to music production all of which has equipped me in the development of my debut Album- Holy Ghost Praise, which is to be released in late July 2012.

Being surrounded by a support network of peers who have helped me to become not only a better Christian, but also a better Performer. It is these people that have believed in me. My heart is to pass this on to younger generations and share my knowledge, passion and the gifts that God has given me – specifically in the form of rapping and music production.

My heart for my music and this album is that it will reach out to the youth of the city in a way that they can actually relate to and come to know Jesus Christ using a medium they are familiar with and that they understand and enjoy. I want to see them having fun, that gives them a future.


