Smokin' Martini

Smokin' Martini

“HOT SAXY¨was organized at October,1999 and they activities in ¨R&B band style of SHIBUYAIl at TOKYOls jazz cjub, DJ event and opening act of artists that arrive in JAPAN.Their favorite artists is blower of I Arnnett Cobb'7 11King Curtis¨and¨Ben Webster¨js naturally.And moreover from root of R&B to Be,bop and old time,be CaUSe they like 'lfeel delinqUent゛' very much.That js to say, "HOT SAXYIl js ¨N.Y style hoolingans R&B"Cometo52ndstreetityouwantseeingus!¨They sayto us.
