Archer&AfroLegacy - Knock Me Down(feat. AfroLegacy) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - In The Dirt (Explicit)
Diggz Da Prophecy&Mir Blackwell&Isthatfr0st&Aerial Ace&AfroLegacy&Code Rogue&Professor Kuro&King Bazza&Jamar Rose - Pseudo Legendary Cypher(feat. Mir Blackwell, Isthatfr0st, Aerial Ace, AfroLegacy, Code Rogue, Professor Kuro, King Bazza & Jamar Rose) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - Tempest (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - Natural Disaster (Explicit)
Tozoku&AfroLegacy - Dynamight(feat. AfroLegacy) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Nina Hope - Cosplay Chick(feat. Nina Hope) (Explicit)
Rhyce Records&AfroLegacy - Cursed(Inspired by "Fairy Tail")(feat. AfroLegacy)
AfroLegacy&Nina Hope - All Over Again(feat. Nina Hope) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - Rumbling (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - Melts My Heart (Explicit)
Isthatfr0st&Yayu&954mari&Jhbboss&Sketti&RAPKNIGHT&Tere Chi&AhegaoAlice&BluePyro&AfroLegacy - N is for Nerdcore, Pt. 2(feat. yayu, 954mari, Jhbboss, Sketti, RAPKNIGHT, Tere Chi, AhegaoAlice, BluePyro & AfroLegacy) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Tozoku - Pray To Me (feat. Tozoku) (Explicit)
Jacob Cass&Nenorama&Nina Hope&Jay Music!&TastelessMage&Knight of Breath&AfroLegacy&tsuyo&Valentyne&KBN Chrollo&VanQuish&Jamar Rose&$pitnotic&Apex Rambo&Dante Maximus&Bonnie Acosta&SailorurLove - Batman Villain Cypher (feat. Nenorama, Nina Hope, Jay Music!, TastelessMage, Knight of Breath, AfroLegacy, TSUYO, Valentyne, KBN Chrollo, Vanquish, Jamar Rose, $pitnotic, Apex Rambo, Dante Maximus, Bonnie Acosta & SailorUrLove) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Loganne Digma - Scarlet Witch (feat. Loganne Digma) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - Multiverse Of Madness (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Professor Kuro - Itadori vs Asta (feat. Professor Kuro) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Diggz Da Prophecy&GarbageGothic&Darrnell Bradley&Nina Hope&Baker The Legend&Rhyce Records&Knight of Breath&VanQuish&SailorurLove&Freesoul&Volcar-OHNO!&Cami-Cat&tsuyo&Da-Wolf&Jay Music! - Fairy Tail Guild Rap Cypher (feat. Diggz Da Prophecy, GarbageGothic, Darrnell Bradley, Nina Hope, Baker the Legend, Rhyce Records, Knight Of Breath, Vanquish, SailorUrLove, Freesoul, Archer, Volcar-OHNO!, Cami-Cat, TSUYO, DA-WOLF & Jay Music!) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - Throne (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - One, Two, Three (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Knight of Breath - Spiritfarer (feat. Knight of Breath) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - Red-Haired (Explicit)
Knight of Breath&KBN Chrollo&Jacob Cass&VanQuish&TastelessMage&Walnutgod&AfroLegacy&Professor Kuro&Rayku&Keetheweeb&$pitnotic&Reyny Daze&Jixplosion - Phantom Troupe Cypher (feat. KBN Chrollo, Jacob Cass, KING K. ONL!NE, Vanquish, TastelessMage, walnutgod, AfroLegacy, Professor Kuro, Rayku, Keetheweeb, $pitnotic, Reyny Daze & Jixplosion) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Sinewave Fox&Nina Hope - Stray Away (feat. Sinewave Fox & Nina Hope) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Chloe Breez - Crystals (feat. Chloe Breez)
AfroLegacy - Upgrades (Explicit)
B-Lo&AfroLegacy - Burn It Down (feat. AfroLegacy) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - Kitsune Rush (Explicit)
Tozoku&AfroLegacy - Freelance Exorcist (feat. AfroLegacy) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - Wakanda Forever (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&DeadGirl Cherry - Scarlet And Violet (feat. DeadGirl Cherry) (Explicit)
Isthatfr0st&Ham Sandwich&Shwabadi&BassedOlaf&AfroLegacy&ZaynaKitty&Politicess&Blax&True Evil Villain&Nenorama&Stargirl&Taekwondragon&Jixplosion&Nina Hope - Freljord Cypher (feat. Ham Sandwich, Shwabadi, BassedOlaf, AfroLegacy, ZaynaKitty, Politicess, Blax, True Evil Villain, Nenorama, Stargirl, Taekwondragon, Jixplosion & Nina Hope) (Explicit)
Tozoku&AfroLegacy&Abhimax - GHOSTFREAK! (feat. AfroLegacy & Abhimax) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - Annihilation (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&xUnreachablee - Together (feat. Xunreachablee) (Explicit)
NerdOut&GlitchxCity&DayumDahlia&Jhbboss&AfroLegacy - Treasure (feat. DayumDahlia, JHBBoss & AfroLegacy)
AfroLegacy&Cami-Cat - Spirit (feat. Cami-Cat) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - Talk Royalty (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Carter Sauce&Da-Wolf - Hunting (feat. Carter Sauce & DA-WOLF) (Explicit)
LMK&Cartersauce&Cuspodan&Nightbreaker&GarbageGothic&Alltime Arcade&AfroLegacy&RAPKNIGHT - ASSASSINS CREED CYPHER (feat. Cartersauce, Cuspodan, Nightbreaker, garbageGothic, Alltime Arcade, AfroLegacy & RAPKNIGHT) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Jixplosion - Another Level (feat. Jixplosion) (Explicit)
Isthatfr0st&Ty Wild&Sinewave Fox&Bars&Poetry&Tozoku&Nina Hope&AfroLegacy&CamoGod - Rejects of the Beasts of Anime Cypher (feat. Ty Wild, Sinewave Fox, Bars & Poetry, Tozoku, Nina Hope, AfroLegacy & Camogod) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&FrivolousShara - Sound Of Death (feat. FrivolousShara) (Explicit)
Nina Hope&AfroLegacy&Diggz Da Prophecy - Kitty Cat (feat. AfroLegacy & Diggz Da Prophecy) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Nina Hope - Bad Bunny (feat. Nina Hope) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Rhyce Records - Hollow (feat. Rhyce Records) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - No Choice (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - Path I Choose (Explicit)
Tozoku&AfroLegacy - Overpowered (AfroLegacy Remix|Explicit)
AfroLegacy - In The Light (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - Problem (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Lydia the Bard - Thread Of Fate (feat. Lydia the Bard) (Explicit)
Tozoku&AfroLegacy - GETO (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Diggz Da Prophecy&tsuyo&Carter Sauce&ColaKong&Politicess&Nina Hope&Tozoku&HazTik&Professor Kuro - Lightning Cypher (feat. Diggz Da Prophecy, TSUYO, Carter Sauce, ColaKong, Politicess, Nina Hope, Tozoku, HazTik & Professor Kuro) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Knight of Breath - Step By Step (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Knight of Breath - Voice In My Mind (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Knight of Breath - Burn With Me (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Knight of Breath - Welcome To The Family (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Knight of Breath - The Party's Getting Started (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Knight of Breath - Under The Bed (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Knight of Breath - Set Spirits Free (Explicit)
Discord Rap Battles&AfroLegacy&Chase Beck - Bigfoot vs The Big Bad Wolf (feat. AfroLegacy & Chase Beck) (Explicit)
Tozoku&Carter Sauce&DeadGirl Cherry&AfroLegacy&Ahbimax - WILD MAGIC MONEY GANG (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Oricadia&Canela Deya - Our Path (feat. Oricadia & Canela Deya) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&Shwabadi&FrivolousShara - Charge (feat. Shwabadi & FrivolousShara) (Explicit)
AfroLegacy&AzuRyuna - Smile (feat. AzuRyuna) (Explicit)
Tozoku&AfroLegacy&Kiwwi - BLACK FLASH! (Explicit)
AfroLegacy - Cage Fight (Explicit)