John Robert Matz
John Robert Matz - The Boatman
John Robert Matz&Laura Intravia&Ian Martyn&Kristin Naigus - All The Earth
John Robert Matz&Daniel Romberger&Alex Hill - Clouds and Starlight
Michael Hoffmann&John Robert Matz&Catboss. - Progress
John Robert Matz - Forgotten
Catboss.&John Robert Matz&Ronin Op F - It's So Wonderful (Epilogue ~RE:Awakening~)
John Robert Matz - The Door, A Friend, The End
John Robert Matz - The Old Man and the Great Owl
John Robert Matz - Into the Caves
John Robert Matz - Main Theme
John Robert Matz - The Ladder
John Robert Matz - A Struggle and a Stone
John Robert Matz - Jungle, Temple, Mural
John Robert Matz - Dawn / Feather Chase / Into the Shadows
John Robert Matz - At the Foot of the Fortress / Racing the Wind
John Robert Matz - The Desert Bazaar
John Robert Matz - Kindling the Fire
John Robert Matz - Sunset On the Savannah
John Robert Matz - Release Trailer (Bonus)
John Robert Matz - A Temple Above the Clouds
John Robert Matz - Ascending Through Ice
John Robert Matz - Warmth In the Cold
John Robert Matz - Seeking By Starlight, Finding By Falling
John Robert Matz - The Island, The Tower
John Robert Matz - A Tree To Rest Under, A Trunk To Sleep Against
John Robert Matz - Greenlight Trailer Soundtrack (Bonus)
John Robert Matz - Epilogue
John Robert Matz - Cold Dawn, Stained Glass
John Robert Matz - The Second Night Falls
John Robert Matz - The Forest and the Fire
John Robert Matz - Home
John Robert Matz - From the Roots To the Boughs
John Robert Matz - A Breakthrough in Sub-Temporal Phase-Shift Frame Manipulation
John Robert Matz - Credits Where Credit's Due
John Robert Matz - Them's the Breaks, Kid
John Robert Matz - Roll the Garbage!
John Robert Matz - Tomorrow's Unethical Business Practices - TODAY!(2017)
John Robert Matz - The Stings
John Robert Matz - After SCUM
John Robert Matz - Nina Makes an Entrance
John Robert Matz - Introducing- Devolver ScreenPay!
John Robert Matz - Welcome Home. We Missed You.
John Robert Matz - A SUDA Way About Him
John Robert Matz - Margaret Does Her Thing
John Robert Matz - LOOT! BOX! COIN!
John Robert Matz - Say Hello to My Friend Pedro
John Robert Matz - They Fix Everything
John Robert Matz - The Future’s Future Future
John Robert Matz - Last Year's Closing Credits / NINA!
John Robert Matz - The Grandest of Openings(2018)
John Robert Matz - Nina Loses It
John Robert Matz - Devolver Digital White(and red)space
John Robert Matz - Opening Flashback(2019)
John Robert Matz - Super Self-Concerned Burrito
John Robert Matz - Pre-Solipsis
John Robert Matz - Mech a Look
John Robert Matz - Post-Pedro Press Presentations Persist
John Robert Matz - A New Golden Age(Unused)
John Robert Matz - Devolver, Directly
John Robert Matz - They(don’t)Fix Everything
John Robert Matz - Paper Towels Just Don't Cut It
John Robert Matz - Linda
John Robert Matz - Main Titles / Nina Dies(Spoilers)
John Robert Matz - Solipsis
John Robert Matz - A Unique Opportunity to Separate You from Your Money
John Robert Matz - The Arcade Market, Fishes
Adam Gubman&John Robert Matz - Fair as a Rose
Jeff Swingle&John Robert Matz - I Want to Be Your Canary, Scene 3 - Marcus's Prayer