Gli Incogniti
Founded by Amandine Beyer in 2006, the ensemble takes its name from the Venetian ‘'Accademia degli incogniti’', and attempts also to adopt the spirit of the name it bears by cultivating a taste for ‘'the unknown’' in all its forms: experimentation with sonorities, seeking out new repertoire, the rediscovery of the ‘'classics’', and so on. Gli Incogniti reunites musicians who have met while participating in various projects over the past few years, who derive great pleasure from working and playing together and whose primary aim, in this new formation, is to convey a committed and coherent vision of the works they perform, guided by their combined sensibilities and taste. After the some excellents critics awarded by their first recording devoted to the complete violin concertos by J. S. Bach (Choc du Monde de la musique, 10 de Répertoire, “CD der Monat” from german magazine Toccata), Gli Incogniti has played at the most prestigious concert halls and early music festivals like the Opéra de Monte Carlo, the Théâtre de la Ville (Paris), Via Stellae (Spain), Tage Alter Musik Regensburg (Germany) or the Festival de Sablé (France)... Their second CD, devoted to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and some previously unrecording†violin concertos (Choc du Monde de la Musique de l'anée, 10 de Repertoire), published in 2008 has been welcomed by the critic as a "renewal" of the vivaldian discography, and for several weeks was at the top of classical music sales in France. Their last two recordings have been dedicated to composers a little less known such as Nicola Matteis (2009) and Johann Rosenmuller (2010), were the ensemble explores different unpublished and unknown works of this two composers. The specialized critics have very well received both recordings.