Gabriella Dery
Miklós Szabó&József Simándy&Olga Szönyi&Gabriella Dery&Julia Orosz&Hungarian Army Male Chorus&Hungarian Radio Chorus&Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra&Vilmos Komor - Hunyadi Laszlo, Act I: March
Miklós Szabó&József Simándy&Olga Szönyi&Gabriella Dery&Julia Orosz&Hungarian Army Male Chorus&Hungarian Radio Chorus&Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra&Vilmos Komor - Hunyadi Laszlo, Act I: Aria. O vegre egy par nyugodt pillanat! … (Laszlo)
Miklós Szabó&József Simándy&Olga Szönyi&Gabriella Dery&Julia Orosz&Hungarian Army Male Chorus&Hungarian Radio Chorus&Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra&Vilmos Komor - Hunyadi Laszlo, Act I: Scene and Chorus. Megolve batyam … - Meghalt a cselszovo … (Kiraly, Chorus)
Miklós Szabó&József Simándy&Olga Szönyi&Gabriella Dery&Julia Orosz&Hungarian Army Male Chorus&Hungarian Radio Chorus&Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra&Vilmos Komor - Hunyadi Laszlo, Act III: Aria. Ah, szemembe' mamor, orom ragyog … (Maria)
Miklós Szabó&József Simándy&Olga Szönyi&Gabriella Dery&Julia Orosz&Hungarian Army Male Chorus&Hungarian Radio Chorus&Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra&Vilmos Komor - Hunyadi Laszlo, Act III: Scene. Aldjon meg Isten, en bajnokom … (Maria, Laszlo, Gara)
Miklós Szabó&József Simándy&Olga Szönyi&Gabriella Dery&Julia Orosz&Hungarian Army Male Chorus&Hungarian Radio Chorus&Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra&Vilmos Komor - Hunyadi Laszlo, Act II: Aria. Mint a tenger, ugy viharzik … (Erzsebet, Chorus)
Miklós Szabó&József Simándy&Olga Szönyi&Gabriella Dery&Julia Orosz&Hungarian Army Male Chorus&Hungarian Radio Chorus&Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra&Vilmos Komor - Hunyadi Laszlo, Act III: Ballet: Csardas - Palotas
Miklós Szabó&József Simándy&Olga Szönyi&Gabriella Dery&Julia Orosz&Hungarian Army Male Chorus&Hungarian Radio Chorus&Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra&Vilmos Komor - Hunyadi Laszlo, Act II: Aria. Nagy eg, remegek! … (Erzsebet, Matyas, Laszlo), "La Grange"
Gabriella Dery&Erzsebet Komlossy&József Simándy&Gyorgy Melis&Budapest Chorus&Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus&Hungarian State Orchestra&Miklós Forrai - Hunyadi - Hosi enek (Hunyadi - Heroic Song): A fenyes gyozelem hiret [Testo]
Gabriella Dery&Erzsebet Komlossy&József Simándy&Gyorgy Melis&Budapest Chorus&Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus&Hungarian State Orchestra&Miklós Forrai - Hunyadi - Hosi enek (Hunyadi - Heroic Song): Fel, te hosszivu nep, a vad riado szava harsog [Tenor, Chorus]
Gabriella Dery&Erzsebet Komlossy&József Simándy&Gyorgy Melis&Budapest Chorus&Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus&Hungarian State Orchestra&Miklós Forrai - Hunyadi - Hosi enek (Hunyadi - Heroic Song): Tortent ezernegyszazotvenhatban [Testo and Tenore]
Gabriella Dery&Erzsebet Komlossy&József Simándy&Gyorgy Melis&Budapest Chorus&Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus&Hungarian State Orchestra&Miklós Forrai - Hunyadi - Hosi enek (Hunyadi - Heroic Song): Enyhult mar fajdalom, szaradjatok konnyek [Testo, Chorus]
Gabriella Dery&Erzsebet Komlossy&József Simándy&Gyorgy Melis&Budapest Chorus&Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus&Hungarian State Orchestra&Miklós Forrai - Hunyadi - Hosi enek (Hunyadi - Heroic Song): — [Orchestra]
Gabriella Dery&Erzsebet Komlossy&József Simándy&Gyorgy Melis&Budapest Chorus&Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus&Hungarian State Orchestra&Miklós Forrai - Hunyadi - Hosi enek (Hunyadi - Heroic Song): Nincs irgalom, nincs irgalom [Alto]
Gabriella Dery&Erzsebet Komlossy&József Simándy&Gyorgy Melis&Budapest Chorus&Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus&Hungarian State Orchestra&Miklós Forrai - Hunyadi - Hosi enek (Hunyadi - Heroic Song): Tavol mar tuz villan, fust kavarog a szelben [Chorus]
Gabriella Dery&Erzsebet Komlossy&József Simándy&Gyorgy Melis&Budapest Chorus&Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus&Hungarian State Orchestra&Miklós Forrai - Hunyadi - Hosi enek (Hunyadi - Heroic Song): Szelnel sebesebben ront a veszedelem [Testo]
Gabriella Dery&Erzsebet Komlossy&József Simándy&Gyorgy Melis&Budapest Chorus&Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus&Hungarian State Orchestra&Miklós Forrai - Hunyadi - Hosi enek (Hunyadi - Heroic Song): Langszivu hos [Chorus]
Gabriella Dery&Erzsebet Komlossy&József Simándy&Gyorgy Melis&Budapest Chorus&Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus&Hungarian State Orchestra&Miklós Forrai - Hunyadi - Hosi enek (Hunyadi - Heroic Song): Holdsugar szotte a nyaresti csendet [Testo]
Gabriella Dery&Erzsebet Komlossy&József Simándy&Gyorgy Melis&Budapest Chorus&Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus&Hungarian State Orchestra&Miklós Forrai - Hunyadi - Hosi enek (Hunyadi - Heroic Song): Haj, notank szepen csengj [Chorus]
Gabriella Dery&Erzsebet Komlossy&József Simándy&Gyorgy Melis&Budapest Chorus&Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus&Hungarian State Orchestra&Miklós Forrai - Hunyadi - Hosi enek (Hunyadi - Heroic Song): Jojj, nema gyasz, aradj szivembe szet feketen [Soprano]
Gabriella Dery&Erzsebet Komlossy&József Simándy&Gyorgy Melis&Budapest Chorus&Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus&Hungarian State Orchestra&Miklós Forrai - Hunyadi - Hosi enek (Hunyadi - Heroic Song): Chorus and Duet. Szallj zengo unnepi enek [Soprano, Alto, and Chorus]
Gabriella Dery&Erzsebet Komlossy&József Simándy&Gyorgy Melis&Budapest Chorus&Hungarian Radio and Television Children's Chorus&Hungarian State Orchestra&Miklós Forrai - Hunyadi - Hosi enek (Hunyadi - Heroic Song): Nema az ej [Chorus]
Gabriella Dery&Sándor Kónya&Erzsebet Komlossy&Hungarian State Opera Chorus&Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra&András Kórodi - Aida, Act IV: Presago il core della tua condanna
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act II: Neighbours' Chorus. Hallottad? Hallottam! [Chorus]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act II Scene 5: Duet. Megjottem, en rubintos kincsem [Cadi, Sulejka]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act II Intermezzo. Quartet: Element az edes, buvos boszorkany [Master Carpenter, Vizier, Cadi, Mufti]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act II Scene 5: Scene. Te voltakeppen mert jottel? [Vizier, Mufti, Sulejka] - Aria. Hogy hosi kardom vedje minden vesztol [Vizier]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act I Scene 3: Mind a testi, mind a lelki [the 3 Odalisques]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act I: Elojatek [Prelude]: Ez a kadi irodaja [the 3 Odalisques]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act I Scene 1: A kadinal nem kedvezett [the 3 Odalisques]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act I Finaletto: Surgos munkat kaptok most! [Master Carpenter, Apprentices]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act II Scene 5: Zulejka otthona [Sulejka at Home]: Nelkuled im oly busan elek [Sulejka]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act II Scene 5: Trio. Tessek! [Sulejka, Vizier, Mufti]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act II: Mi, akik meselni [the 3 Odalisques] – Duet. Megszunt a szenvedesnek [Sulejka, Hassan] – Finale. Ime, eloszlik a nagy
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act II Scene 5: Tiszelet, hodolat [Apprentices, Sulejka]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act II Scene 5: Duet. Edes kedves szep asszonyom [Sulejka, Master Carpenter]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act II: Scene. Mire jo ez az erzelges [Master Carpenter, Vizier, Cadi, Mufti]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act I Scene 4: Asztalosmuhely [the Carpenter’s Workshop]: Izzik a nap melege [Master Carpenter, Apprentices]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act II Prelude: Elkeszitven a buvos szekrenyt [the 3 Odalisques]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act I Scene 2: Szep Zulejka most se csugged [the 3 Odalisques]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act I Scene 2: O, nagyvezir, hallotad, ime [Sulejka, Vizier]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act I Scene 3: Szoval Hasszanod lelki udve [Sulejka, Mufti]
Margit Laszlo&Alfonz Bartha&Jozsef Dene&Gyorgy Radnai&Jozsef Gregor&József Réti&Gabriella Dery&Zsuzsa Barlay&Albert Tokes&Janos Michels&Judit Sandor&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian Radio&Television Symphony Orchestra&Viktor Vaszy - A bûvös szekrény (the Magic Cupboard), Act I Scene 1: A Kadi irodaja [Cadi’s office]: Duet. Kezdodik a hivatalos ora [Cadi, Sulejka, Servant]
Gabriella Dery&Hungarian Radio and Television Chorus&Hungarian State Opera Orchestra&Géza Oberfrank - I vespri siciliani, Les vepres siciliennes, Act V: Merce, dilette amiche …